Bad actors are pervasive in the financial industry, and as a result, many investors’ losses occur not because…
Broker-dealers and investment advisers owe duties to the investors who hire them. The law requires…
Broker-dealers and investment advisers are required to make suitable investment recommendations…
FINRA Rule 3010 requires brokerage firms to supervise all activities of their registered employees, meaning…
Broker-dealers and investment advisers who ignore an investor’s instructions or abuse their discretion…
It is unlawful for broker-dealers and investment advisers to transact in securities that are not approved…
Churning takes place when a broker or investment adviser engages in excessive buying and selling…
When you decide to invest your hard-earned assets in California, you deserve to work with a broker-dealer…
Broker-dealers and investment advisers are prohibited from selling private placements to investors…
High-yield bonds, which pay high interest for taking on high risk of the issuer failing to make interest…
In California, if you have been lured into a fraudulent investment operation and promised high returns…
Seniors who have substantial investments or assets can be attractive targets for unscrupulous…
Firms that place trading restrictions on retail investors’ ability to transact in securities on their platforms…
When broker-dealers and investment advisers transact in securities on behalf of investors, they are required…
Often, an unsophisticated person or senior citizen with limited savings will receive a telephone call from…
Insurance agents owe certain duties to their clients. Among these duties is a suitability requirement…
We provide comprehensive legal services to financial advisers and brokerage firms. Our firm is skilled…
Rosenberger + Kawabata is dedicated to protecting consumers from predatory mortgage lending practices….
We represent both plaintiffs & defendants in negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, and trials in federal or state courts…
Non-traded real estate investment trusts (“REIT”s) do not allow investors to sell their shares or redeem…